Temperature resistance of fermentation microorganisms is of great

Temperature resistance of fermentation microorganisms is of great importance due to the high temperature of enzymatic hydrolysis, where for an effective application of simultaneous processes, the fermentation temperature should be as close to

the optimal enzymatic hydrolysis temperature as possible. Fermentation can be sequential to hydrolysis or it can occur simultaneously. Some methods have been developed to maximize efficiency while reducing costs and simplifying the this website overall process. These methods include: Separate Hydrolysis and Fermentation (SHF), Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation (SSF), Hybrid Hydrolysis and Fermentation (HHF), Separate or Simultaneous Co-Fermentation (SSCF) and Consolidated Bioprocessing (CPB), and these processes can also be broken down into batch, fed-batch and continuous processes. Integration of the different processes (enzyme production, saccharification and fermentation) reduces costs, but also complicates the

process since optimal operating conditions are typically different [34] and [38]. This is further complicated in consolidated bioprocessing where a single microorganism is utilized for enzyme synthesis as well as monosaccharide fermentation. However, cellulases are inhibited by glucose, and if saccharification is consolidated with fermentation, Paclitaxel mouse conversion of glucose to ethanol reduces this inhibitory effect. The process of second generation ethanol production from different agricultural residues and food wastes is a strategy that decreases environmental impacts. However, further advances to this process must to be achieved to make it more cost-effective and a sustainable reality. Future strategies focus on advances in biotechnological tools which are necessary to discover new and/or more effective enzymes, and to improve the production of (hemi)cellulases in homologous or heterologous systems. Vitamin B12 Additional

knowledge on the mode of action of enzymes is also necessary as well as utilization of recycling techniques to increase enzyme productivity. Furthermore, studies must concentrate efforts on the search for fermentative microorganisms that process pentoses in high yields, which may represent further increases in production efficiencies. Consolidated Bioprocessing (CPB) is an additional alternative to reduce costs, although much more complex. The various different types of implementation, integration and optimization of the best techniques and parameters will lead to enhanced efficiency of second generation bioethanol production. Papers of particular interest, published within the period of review, have been highlighted as: • of special interest We acknowledge the Brazilian institutions CAPES for the scholarship granted to the first author and FAPEMIG and CNPq for the resources provided. “
“Shoulder impingement syndrome (SIS) is the most frequently reported specific diagnosis in patients with CANS (Complaints of the Arm, Neck and/or Shoulder) (Huisstede et al.

L reuteri może również być z powodzeniem stosowany u kobiet w pr

L. reuteri może również być z powodzeniem stosowany u kobiet w profilaktyce stanów zapalnymi w obrębie narządów rodnych. Hummelen i wsp. [63] podawali doustnie pacjentkom zakażonym wirusem HIV L. rhamnosus GR-1 i L. reuteri RC-14, analizując, czy taka suplementacja może pomóc w zapobieganiu bakteryjnemu zapaleniu pochwy lub czy może wspomóc jego leczenie (w badanej grupie

były pacjentki, u których takie zapalenie już stwierdzono). Nie stwierdzono, aby przyjmowanie probiotyków istotnie poprawiło skuteczność leczenia, ale wykazano, że zmniejszyło ryzyko rozwoju zakażeń bakteryjnych, jak również miało znaczenie dla utrzymania prawidłowego odczynu pochwy. Martinez i wsp. [64] przeprowadzili analogiczną analizę, z zastosowaniem tych samych probiotyków, ale w grupie 64 kobiet nieobciążonych find more zakażeniem HIV, natomiast z bakteryjnym zapaleniem dróg rodnych. Stosowali u nich leczenie tynidazolem (dawka jednorazowa) i dodatkowo podawali probiotyk lub placebo 2 razy dziennie przez 4 tygodnie. Po tym czasie stwierdzono, że w grupie badanej odsetek wyleczeń wynosił 87,5% i był istotnie większy niż w grupie kontrolnej (50%). Petricevic i wsp. [65] analizowali wpływ doustnego przyjmowania L. reuteri RC-14 i L. rhamnosus GR-1 na jakość flory pochwy u kobiet w wieku pomenopauzalnym. Podawano kapsułki

zawierające oba probiotyki lub placebo pacjentkom przez 14 dni. Wykazano znaczącą poprawę w zakresie prawidłowego składu flory pochwy u pacjentek otrzymujących probiotyki. Trwają także badania nad możliwością ever Fulvestrant manufacturer zastosowania takiego samego zestawu probiotyków (L. reuteri RC-14 i L. rhamnosus GR-1 w postaci kapsułek – 2 dziennie – zawierających >106 każdej z bakterii) w prewencji porodu przedwczesnego, związanego z zakażeniem wewnątrzmacicznym nabytym drogą wstępującą [66]. Istnieją doniesienia o potencjalnym działaniu antykancerogennym L. reuteri. Na przykład Iyer i wsp. [67] opisali mechanizm indukowania apoptozy przez ten probiotyk, który mógłby być przyszłości

wykorzystany w prewencji raka jelita grubego, ale także w nieswoistych zapaleniach jelit. De Boever i wsp. [68] także wykazali antykancerogenne właściwości L. reuteri. Stwierdzili, że wpływa na precypitację kwasów żółciowych w przewodzie pokarmowym, a także wiąże je, czyniąc mniej biodostępnymi i zmniejszając tym samym ich szkodliwe właściwości. W Polsce aktualnie dostępne są 2 preparaty zawierające L. reuteri. Jeden z nich występuje w łatwej do podaży dzieciom formie kropli lub tabletek do żucia i znajduje zastosowanie w przypadku antybiotykoterapii: przy ostrej biegunce, w celu poprawy działania układu odpornościowego czy w kolce niemowlęcej. Drugi, będący preparatem złożonym, zawierającym także L.

Therefore, the effect of selection for cob color on the maize gen

Therefore, the effect of selection for cob color on the maize genome can only be evaluated among temperate elite lines, among Bosutinib supplier which there has been selection for cob

glume color during line development and hybrid commercialization. Previous findings from traditional genetics and Southern blotting analysis suggested that the P1 locus was complex, with different copies of variants in a tandem repeat pattern, and regulated by methylation [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17] and [19]. A tandem array of Myb genes was identified from annotation of all genes in the genomic region surrounding the P1 locus. Our results provide further evidence to support the P1 association mapping result because we not only found the P1 gene within the region, but also identified the upstream pattern of this complex locus, which is consistent with the results from previous studies [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17] and [19]. The genes, GRMZM2G129872, GRMZM2G016020, GRMZM2G335358,

GRMZM2G057027, GRMZM2G064597 and GRMZM2G084799, were all annotated in LBH589 manufacturer maizesequence.org as P protein and located within the P1 locus upstream of the P1 gene with a tandem pattern on minus strands using stringent criteria with a filtered gene set from the B73 genome [28]. The presence of these Myb repeats strongly implies complex regulation of the locus. However, this paper does not present further experimental evidence to reveal the biological and regulatory functions of the repeat units. Because artificial selection also results in evolution of genomic regions,

genome-wide molecular genetic analyses can detect this consequent variation and improve the outcomes of plant breeding efforts [6]. During the domestication and subsequent improvement of maize, variation in FAD regulatory regions has decreased, due to a breeding focus on genes with strong expression, and levels of dominance have increased [44]. The maize reference genome and high-throughput resequencing help us comprehend crop evolution due to domestication and thus to enhance the rate of crop improvement [6]. In rice, GWAS was shown to be essential for modern genetics and breeding, and that in combination with next-generation sequencing it is a vital complement to classical genetic analysis of complex traits [45]. Association mapping with dense marker coverage can significantly improve genetic resolution, and thereby permits identification of genomic variation that controls trait variation. Genomic regions controlling a number of important traits, including carbon metabolism [46], leaf blight [47], and plant height [29], have been identified through GWAS using high density markers in maize.

The highest values in the Ca/P ratios were obtained from the anal

The highest values in the Ca/P ratios were obtained from the analysis of the Ovx/ad libitum group (mean 2.03 ± 0.04), which was considered statistically different from BMS-777607 research buy other groups, except the Sham/ad libitum and Sham/alc. The lowest values were obtained in the Ovx/alc group (mean 1.92 ± 0.06), which was considered statistically different from other groups, except the Sham/iso. It should be also noted that the Ovx/alc group was the only one to show a statistically significant difference when compared with the Sham/ad libitum group

(p < 0.001). Analysis of Ca/P ratios, as compared to the concentrations of Ca and P separately, show lower values of standard deviation and coefficient of variation, which may be more reliable for the diagnosis of bone disorders.2 In our study, the average values for the Ca/P ratios ranged from 1.92 ± 0.06 to 2.03 ± 0.04, smaller than the molar ratio of synthetic hydroxyapatite, which is 2.16. These results were expected, as the bone mineral phase

is formed by nonstoichiometric carbonated apatite ionic crystals.7 Alterations on bone quality when ovariectomy was associated with alcohol consumption were previously observed by other authors.21, 22, 23 and 27 In ovariectomized rats who received 20% alcohol solution (similar to that in the present experiment) an exacerbation of bone loss in the alveolar bone crest,21 decreased Ca/P ratios in the femur (associated with serum hyperphosphataemia)22 and negative effects on osseointegration23 was noted. Due to these findings, it was hypothesized above that oestrogen deficiency associated AZD5363 cell line with alcohol consumption can adversely influence the quality of alveolar bone, and change its mineral composition. This hypothesis was confirmed by the presented results, as the Ovx/alc group was the only group that presented statistically

different results concerning Ca/P ratio when compared to the control (Sham–ad libitum diet). Little is known about the influence of mineralization in periodontal disease or tooth loss. In a study21 with the same experimental design to that of the current study (with respect to animal treatment), it was observed, by histological Liothyronine Sodium and histomorphometrical analyses (slides stained with haematoxylin–eosin), an exacerbation of alveolar bone loss and inflammatory process, in periodontal tissues, in ovariectomized rats who received 20% alcohol (group Ovx/alc).21 In our experiment, it was verified that, under the same conditions, there was a decrease in the values of Ca/P ratios in alveolar bone. Thus, it seems reasonable to assume that there is the possibility of a reduction in mineralization linked to an increase in alveolar bone loss and the severity of periodontal disease, which could as a consequence compromise tooth retention. However, this is only a hypothesis. In another experiment, Yan et al.

The top elevation of the uppermost layer represents the land surf

The top elevation of the uppermost layer represents the land surface and was approximated using an imported find more and resampled digital elevation model. The bottom elevation of the fifth layer represents the bedrock surface, thereby constraining flow within the valley fill thickness ranging between 3 and 120 m thick. The bedrock surface was interpolated from available well logs, both in published literature (Randall, 1972) and public records from NYSDEC. The first upper two layers of the model represent the unconfined aquifer system. The third layer is a clay unit, which serves to confine the lowest two layers. The thickness and elevation

of the third layer was also interpolated from well logs (Randall, 1972). Both aquifer systems – upper and lower – were split into two layers apiece, with their interlayer elevation set at half of the aquifer thickness in each cell. There are four hydraulic conductivity units in this model (Fig. 4). The uplands are considered one homogeneous, low-conductivity unit, primarily serving as a transmitting media between the external boundary conditions and the valley walls. Separate hydraulic conductivity units were assigned to

the upper and lower aquifer systems. Cells representing the clay confining unit were assigned to the fourth conductivity buy Galunisertib field. Any cell in the third layer with a thickness greater than 3 m is considered part of the confining unit. The remainder of the third layer, where the confining unit is thin or absent, is part of Montelukast Sodium the upper aquifer hydraulic conductivity unit. Manual calibration indicated that this model was not significantly sensitive to conductivity of the confining unit in layer three at

the regional scale. Although there is extensive heterogeneity within the valley drift sequences, it is difficult to capture such a variability at this scale. Therefore, these hydraulic conductivity values better represent regional, effective conductivity. Uniform recharge of 62 mm/year was applied to the top of the model, representing the component of groundwater recharge derived from the infiltration of precipitation falling directly in the valleys. This value was approximated by adding the total volume removed from the system (through municipal pumping) to the net regional recharge estimated from the analytic element model (Best, 2013). Constant head boundaries on the outside of the active model area provide the lateral aquifer recharge derived from overland runoff, tributary infiltration, and interflow. In the baseline model, the constant head contribution to groundwater inflow from the boundary of the model was approximately 42%. Constant head contributions in the withdrawal scenarios were evaluated to ensure that this fraction of groundwater input did not unrealistically increase, results of which will be discussed in the sensitivity analysis. The Streamflow-Routing Package (Prudic et al.

Nevertheless, we cannot exclude the possibility that this increas

Nevertheless, we cannot exclude the possibility that this increase in egg size under short day length could be a relic feature of a lost diapause capacity in tropical populations. Indeed, diapause can be quickly counter selected in laboratory (Pumpuni, 1989), or in field populations as described during the species’ colonization of Florida (Lounibos et al., 2003). On the contrary, even though Brazil was colonized by tropical strains of A. albopictus, in laboratory some populations still show a small but significant decrease in egg hatchability under short photoperiod ( Lounibos

et al., 2003). In consequence it is possible that tropical populations could be selected to express diapause again. The black cutworm Agrotis ipsilon is a good example of persistence

selleck inhibitor of diapausing metabolism: even though larvae and adults of this species are able of diapause elsewhere in the world, Japanese populations migrate from north to south of the island to overwinter. It allows them to avoid diapause initiation, but adults reared under short day length show a delay in the development of their ovarian maturation ( Tauber et al., 1986). We make the hypothesis that short day length is interpreted by females as stressful environmental conditions. If bigger eggs are better adapted to survival in harsh environment, then females will anticipate poor development conditions for its offspring by laying eggs of bigger size. For example, a higher amount of yolk in bigger eggs could increase the survival of embryos. On an interspecific find more scale, larger eggs have an increased developmental duration (Gillooly and Dodson, 2000), and in Aedes (Stegomyia) species larger eggs are more resistant to desiccation (Sota and Mogi, 1992b). It is unclear how these interspecific observations could be verified inside a species. No modulation of desiccation resistance was observed in eggs of a tropical strain of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, reared under different photoperiodic conditions (Urbanski et al., 2010a). Photoperiodic

rearing conditions don’t modify maternal wing length; consequently we dismiss a possible indirect effect of maternal size on eggs volume. Previous works on mosquitoes showed that egg length is neither influenced second by mosquito wing size (Shannon and Hadjinicalao, 1941 and Pumpuni et al., 1992) nor by maternal larval nutritional regime (Pumpuni et al., 1992). However it must be noted that these studies did not measure egg width, which seems to be the main factor of egg volume variability. Finally, the ecological meaning of photoperiod is questioned in tropical populations. Indeed, annual day length variation is subtle under tropics and less well correlated with environmental events (Tauber et al., 1986). The comparisons of the embryogenesis chronology and egg size demonstrate the existence of photo-induced maternal effects in temperate and tropical populations of A. albopictus.

2% to 99 8% for ozone concentrations ranging, respectively, from

2% to 99.8% for ozone concentrations ranging, respectively, from 0.80 to 2.54 μg mL−1. Although the

model used in this work doesn’t simulate real food matrices, once they constitute, in general, complex systems, it represents an attempt to identify the formed products which can also be possible products in foods. The β-carotene ozonolysis with the model system in solution made it possible to propose, through tentative identification, fourteen oxidation products: 15-apo-β-carotenal; pyruvic acid; 5,9,13,13-tetramethyl-12,17-dioxo-octadec-2,4,6,8,10-pentenoic acid; 14´-apo-β-carotenal; 3,7,11,11-tetramethyl-10,15-dioxo-hexadec-2,4,6,8-tetra-enal; 2-methyl-buten-2-dial; glyoxal; methylglyoxal; β-cyclocitral; 6,6-dimethyl-undec-3-en-2,5,10-trione; 4,9,13,17,17-pentamethyl-16,21-dioxo-docos-2,4,6,8,10,12,14-heptaenal; 12´-apo-β-carotenal; 5,6-epoxy-12´apo-β-carotenal;

find more and 5,6 epoxy-10´-apo-β-carotenal. Of these products, eight (pyruvic acid; 5,9,13,13-tetramethyl-12,17-dioxo-octadec-2,4,6,8,10-pentenoic acid; 3,7,11,11-tetramethyl-10,15-dioxo-hexadec-2,4,6,8-tetraenal; 2-methyl-but-2-enodial; glyoxal; methylglyoxal; 6,6-dimethyl-undec-3-en-2,5,10-trione and 4,9,13,17,17-pentamethyl-16,21-dioxo-docos-2,4,6,8,10,12,14-heptaenal) had not previously been cited in the literature as oxidation products of β-carotene. Their occurrence was probably due to the high oxidant power of ozone. On the other hand, compounds that are normally present in β-carotene oxidation, such as β-ionone, have not been identified. This suggests that these compounds reacted completely during exposure check details to ozone and were thus converted to secondary products observed during these experiments. The experiment conducted with β-ionone alone supports this hypothesis, since methylglyoxal, β-cyclocitral and 6,6-dimethyl-undec-3-en-2,5,10-trione were formed and all of these compounds were

also tentatively identified during the ozonolysis of β-carotene. The authors wish to thank the National Research Council (CNPq), the State of Bahia Foundation for Support to Research (FAPESB), PRONEX, FINEP, CAPES and UNEB (DCV 1). We would also like to thank M.Sc. Eliane Teixeira Sousa for her valuable help in the LC-MS analysis. “
“Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) is one of the most appreciated fresh fruit, particularly for its combined attractive appearance and flavour. While DOK2 relatively rich in nutritional and functional compounds ( Salentijn, Aharoni, Schaart, Boone, & Krens, 2003), a range of genetic and environmental factors promote quantitative and qualitative variation of these traits ( Cordenunsi et al., 2005 and Folta and Davis, 2006). For most fruit, chemical composition changes during maturation ( Folta & Davis, 2006). In the case of strawberry, fruit development is characterised by an increase in fruit size, colour change from green to white to red, evolution of aroma volatiles and reduction in flesh firmness.

Thus, information on potentially important BPA exposure sources s

Thus, information on potentially important BPA exposure sources such as consumption of packaged or processed foods other than canned fruits was not available. Although we gathered detailed dietary information during the second prenatal visit using a food frequency questionnaire, a 24-hour recall survey at both Atezolizumab purchase visits

might have also been more appropriate given the short half-life of BPA (Volkel et al., 2002). Additionally, although working as a cashier has been reported to be associated with higher BPA exposure in pregnant women (Braun et al., 2011), we were not able to assess this in our population due to the low number of women reporting this occupation (n = 5). Even so, median uncorrected urinary BPA concentrations in these five women were not that different than those observed in women who were unemployed or reported another profession at the time of urine sample collection (1.1 μg/L vs. 1.0 μg/L in the first prenatal visit and 1.0 μg/L vs. 1.1 μg/L in the second prenatal visit). Despite study limitations, findings from our study have several implications. First, consistent with other studies (Braun et al., 2011 and Nepomnaschy

et al., 2009), urinary BPA concentrations varied greatly within women suggesting the need for collection of multiple urine samples to better characterize BPA exposure over time and avoid exposure misclassification. The episodic nature of the exposures and the relatively short half-life of BPA (< 6 h (Volkel et al., 2002)) result check details in the observed high within-woman variability, and concentrations Tenoxicam reflect recent exposures. Also, variations in urinary BPA concentrations throughout the day highlight the need to consider sample collection time and the time of the last urination to correctly categorize exposure in future epidemiological investigations (Stahlhut et al., 2009 and Ye et al., 2011). Findings also suggest that, for women participating in this study, residence

time in the United States is associated with different dietary habits that influence BPA exposure. In summary, our findings suggest that there are some factors that could be modified to minimize exposures during pregnancy in Mexican-origin women (e.g., reducing soda and hamburger intake) and that sociodemographic factors may influence BPA exposure. This study supports other findings of relatively lower BPA urinary concentrations in Mexican–American populations compared with other populations, but is the first to show that factors associated with acculturation might increase BPA concentrations. Additional studies are needed to confirm our findings and evaluate determinants of BPA exposure in other populations. This publication was supported by grant numbers: RD 83171001 from the U.S. EPA, and RC ES018792 and P01 ES009605 from NIEHS. This work is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the funders or CDC.

Pretzsch and Dursky (2001), for example, found a temporal trend w

Pretzsch and Dursky (2001), for example, found a temporal trend with an overestimation in the first half of the century and an underestimation in the last half of the century. Also, hypothesized climate change recommends a test for temporal bias (Sterba and Monserud, 1997). Ideally, this website models should be based on data that can be regarded as the climatic mean for the evaluation period. Previous studies

showed that temporal bias is smallest in the period that overlaps with the parameterization period (Sterba and Monserud, 1997). Temporal bias can be exceedingly high if the evaluation period is shorter than 10–15 years (Pretzsch, 2002). Inferring from the data used for model fitting, temporal bias should be very small for the growth PS-341 models Silva and BWIN, which were fit from long term research plots. Growth rates in

these models can be interpreted as the long term climatic mean. In contrast, Prognaus was fit from a relatively short period, and temporal bias could be prevalent. The evaluation period of this study of 15–30 years should be sufficiently long to avoid excessive temporal bias. Spatial bias also frequently occurs (Sterba and Monserud, 1997, Schmid et al., 2006 and Froese and Robinson, 2007). Deviations are caused by site-specific variation not captured in the model (Sterba and Monserud, 1997). For example, this can be due to regionally variable trends between elevation and prediction accuracy or different ownership not accounted for by the model (Froese and Robinson, 2007). Spatial bias is an important problem, where the data used for model fitting are not spatially representative. It is the strength of inventory data to be spatially representative for a study area because national inventories are usually systematic samples covering the full range of conditions. Spatial bias is expected to be high for growth models fit from permanent research plots, because permanent research plots are often clustered

at lower elevations on good sites; they rarely are representative of the site variation across a region. Spatial bias should therefore be relatively small for Prognaus, but higher for BWIN, Moses and Silva. This seems to be confirmed by evaluation results by Schmid et al. (2006). They found that Silva correctly predicted Montelukast Sodium growth within the range of the parameterization data up to an elevation of about 1000 m, whereas at higher elevations there were notable deviations. In addition to temporal and spatial deviations, other trends can be found in the evaluation data set. Often deviations with respect to size are found. In agreement with our results, most frequently there is an over-prediction for small trees and an under-prediction for larger trees (Sterba et al., 2001, Schmid et al., 2006, Froese and Robinson, 2007 and Mette et al., 2009).

Currently 29 operational indicators are reported under the 12 hea

Currently 29 operational indicators are reported under the 12 headline indicators, covering various aspects of 17 of the 20 Aichi Targets (BIP, 2013 and Chenery et al., 2013). These 29 indicators typically relate (but are not identical) to one of the 97 AHTEG indicators in a further operational form. Although termed operational, most cases of the 97 AHTEG indicators will need to be transformed into specific verifiable “sub-topic” indicators that can actually be measured (cf.

Table 2). It is important to note that the AHTEG framework Raf inhibitor is flexible enough to allow the transformation and addition of indicators as needed. Types of indicators and indicators relevant for genetic diversity are described further in Appendix B. The indicator sequence used by the UNEP/CBD/AHTEG, 2011a and UNEP/CBD/AHTEG, 2011b system is S–P–B–R, as it is considered to be the logical sequence of the four basic questions listed in Table 1. This is in contrast to the R–S–P–B sequence recommended by Sparks et al. (2011), who emphasize that response (rather than pressure) is the indicator that will be used to guide policy and practice. The sequence can be discussed and Sparks et al. (2011) therefore present the framework as a “feedback loop” subject to iterative modifications. From the 97 operational indicators

proposed by UNEP/CBD/AHTEG, 2011a and UNEP/CBD/AHTEG, 2011b, we have selected those that www.selleckchem.com/products/abt-199.html we consider to have potential relevance for monitoring tree genetic diversity. They are all listed in Table 2, using the S–P–B–R sequence of UNEP/CBD/AHTEG, 2011a and UNEP/CBD/AHTEG, 2011b.

In constructing Table 2, we followed the suggestions for headline indicators and operational indicators considered relevant (“most relevant” or “other relevant”) by UNEP/CBD/AHTEG, 2011a and UNEP/CBD/AHTEG, 2011b under the two Aichi Targets directly addressing genetic diversity (Targets 13 and 16), providing 14 operational indicators. These comprise only state and Dichloromethane dehalogenase response indicators. We have added those operational indicators that address tree species distribution, population trends and extinction risks, thus targeting intra-specific variation (cf. e.g., Rogers and Ledig, 1996 and Bariteau, 2003), but not mentioned as such by UNEP/CBD/AHTEG, 2011a and UNEP/CBD/AHTEG, 2011b. This provides an additional set of nine operational indicators, of which two are classified as state indicators, five as pressure indicators, and one each as a benefit and response indicator. In addition we have included three operational indicators that reflect benefit, value and condition of ecosystem services for adequate coverage of the benefits of genetic diversity. We have added one operational response indicator covering capacity building, knowledge transfer and uptake into policy, areas which are of obvious importance for the conservation, management and use of genetic diversity.