The influence of peroxides was analysed by introducing into the m

The influence of peroxides was analysed by introducing into the medium a concentration of peroxide that did not affect the development of exponentially growing cells. Expression of ohr was induced 4-fold in the

presence of 1.6 mM tBOOH, a 7-fold induction was observed with 0.25 mM CuOOH. The addition of 10 mM H2O2 resulted in a 2-fold induction of ohr (Figure 2). Figure 2 Induction of the expression of ohr and ohrR by peroxides. Cells were grown AZD3965 in LB medium to an OD570 nm of 0.4. ohr::lacZ (β-galactosidase) and ohrR::uidA (β-glucuronidase) expression was analysed 2 and 3 h after OHP addition. No addition (closed diamonds), 0.25 mM CuOOH (closed triangles), 1.6 mM tBOOH (open squares), 10 mM H2O2 (open circles). Enzymatic activities are expressed as nmole of substrate hydrolysed per min and per mg of protein. Results are the average of four independent experiments; the standard

deviation is indicated by bars. Induction of ohrR was also observed when cultures were exposed to tBOOH and CuOOH, induction ratios were lower than those observed for ohr gene. In contrast H2O2 did not affect ohrR expression (Figure 2). OhrR regulates ohr expression A plasmid bearing ohr::lacZ transcriptional fusion (pE1541) was introduced into the ohrR mutant and the parental strain. selleck The expression of the fusion was analysed in LB medium in the absence of organic peroxides and 1 h after 0.25 mM CuOOH pentoxifylline addition. In the absence of peroxide, the expression of ohr::lacZ fusion was greater in the ohrR mutant than in the wild type strain (18.5 ± 1.3 and 9.6 ± 0.7 μmol of substrate hydrolysed min-1 mg of protein-1 respectively). After CuOOH addition, the expression of ohr::lacZ was similar in ohrR mutant and parental strain (16.7 ± 1.4 and 17.5 ± 1.5 μmol of substrate hydrolysed min-1 mg of protein-1 respectively). These results are in accordance with repression of ohr promoter by the OhrR regulator. OhrR binds to ohr-ohrR intergenic region The binding of OhrR to ohr-ohrR intergenic region was analysed by gel mobility shift assay. In a first attempt, a 113 bp DNA fragment encompassing the entire ohr-ohrR intergenic region

and ended at the initiation codons of ohr and ohrR, was used as a probe (Figure 3A). Two retarded bands were observed in the presence of OhrR (Figure 3B). The intergenic region between SMb20903 and SMb20964 (this latter gene encoding the putative AhpC protein of S. meliloti) was used as a negative control. No specific binding of OhrR protein to this DNA fragment was observed (data not shown). Figure 3 Localisation of OhrR binding sites. A-Restriction map of the 113 bp ohr-ohrR intergenic region used in gel mobility shift assay. The location of the initiator codon and translation direction of ohr and ohrR is indicated by a white arrow. The position of the two palindromic binding motifs Motif 1 (M1) and Motif 2 (M2) is indicated by black arrows.

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