The measurement was then taken at the widest part of the dominant

The measurement was then taken at the widest part of the dominant leg. A measurement from the top of the patella to the point of circumference measurement was made and recorded to be repeated in the post-test. All measurements were taken by the same researcher on pre- and post-testing laboratory visits. Isokinetic and isometric strength The order of performance testing was uniform for each participant for both laboratory visits. Participants were placed in the upright seated position on a Biodex System 3 (Biodex Medical Systems,

Shirley, New York). The seat height and position were adjusted in order to align the instrument’s axis of rotation with that of the participant’s dominant knee. Participants were S63845 purchase instructed to cross their arms over their chests, but not to grab the restraints. Isokinetic 30°sec-1 and 60°sec-1 unilateral knee extension/flexion tests were conducted. Five repetitions of consecutive maximal extension and flexion were performed during each test, with a one minute rest interval between tests. Following the isokinetic tests, a 60° isometric knee extension/flexion test was performed. This test involves three maximal extension and flexion exertion against an immovable arm, with 10 second rest periods between exertions. Continuous verbal encouragement was provided

by the research team throughout the duration of all tests. Criterion measures were peak and average torque for each repetition. Wingate test Anaerobic capacity was measured using a Wingate test [27] on a plate loaded and friction click here braked Monark Ergomedic 874-E (Monark Exercise AB, Vansbro, Sweden) cycle ergometer. Resistance was set as 7.5% of body mass (kg). Each participant was fitted

to the ergometer by adjusting the seat height to ensure 5-10° of knee flexion at the bottom of the pedal stroke. The participant performed a two-minute warm-up at 75 rpm with only the resistance added by the weight basket (0.5 kg), with two brief (~10 seconds) bouts of practice sprinting. Following the warm-up period, a five-second countdown period was begun where the participant maximized revolutions per minute. When the participant was cycling at full speed, the resistance was added and the 30-second test timer was started. Throughout Tacrolimus (FK506) the test the participants were given verbal encouragement to work at the highest ZD1839 cost possible effort and to be aware of the time remaining. At the end of the 30-second test period, the resistance was removed and the participant was instructed to cycle slowly for at least two minutes to cool down. Video of the exercise bout was recorded (Pentax Optio W90, Pentax Imaging Company, Golden, Colorado) and later analyzed to determine total revolutions (Rtotal) and peak revolutions (Rmax). The exercise was broken down into five-second intervals (i.e. 0–5 seconds, 5–10 seconds, 10–15 seconds, etc.

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