Study population characteristics are shown in table 1. Mean time from initial diagnosis to first relapse was 15.8 ± 6.5 months. Location of metastatic deposits includes bone (21/36), liver (21/36), lung (16/36),
lymphnodes (14/36) and local recurrence (3/36) with 27 out of 36 patients presenting with multiple disease sites; remaining 9 patients with single-site metastasis presented with measurable non-bone disease. Patients receiving pre-operative chemotherapy, having a family EPZ015666 cost history of breast cancer or receiving docetaxel as part of adjuvant treatment were excluded as well as those for whom follow-up data were missing. Adjuvant treatment was performed in all patients but two as follow: 18 patients received an association of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), epirubucin and cyclophosphamides (FEC) for 6 cycles, 11 patients received an association of epirubucin and cyclophosphamides (EC) for 4 cycles, and remaining 5 patients received an
association of cyclophosphamides, methotrexate and 5-FU (CMF) for 6 cycles. Table 1 Study population characteristics (n = 36) Median [range] age PPAR agonist inhibitor (yr) 55 [37-87] Histotype # Invasive ductal carcinoma 28 (77.7%) Invasive buy Ivacaftor lobular carcinoma 5 (13.8%) Mixed (ductal and lobular) 2 (5.5%) Undifferentiated 1 (3.0%) Grading° G2 21 (58.3%) G3 15 (41.7%) ER status Negative 14 (38.8%) Positive 22 (61.2%) PgR status Negative 13 (36.1%) Positive 23 (63.9%) HER2 status* Negative 27 (75.0%) Positive 9 (25.0%) Adjuvant chemotherapy^
FEC 18 (52.9%) EC 11 (32.4%) CMF 5 (14.7%) Mean ± SD time to first relapse (months) 15.8 ± 6.5 Metastatis sites Bone 21 (58.3%) Liver 21 (58.3%) Lung 16 (44.4%) Lymphnodes 14 (38.8%) Local 3 (8.3%) Chemotherapy”" TXT75 14 (38.8%) TXT25 8 (22.2%) TXT75+C 5 (13.8%) TXT75+T 9 (25.2%) Treatment best response Complete response 1 (2.7%) Partial response 14 (38.8%) Stable disease 12 (33.3%) Disease progression 9 (25.2%) Time to disease progression (months) Median Loperamide [range] 9 [2-54] Overall survival (months) Median [range] 20 [3-101] #According to WHO hystological typing of breast tumor (Ref. 32). °According to Elston and Ellis classification (Ref. 31). *Pre-study determination. “”See text for regimen details. ^on 34 pts. All patients received docetaxel-based first-line chemotherapy for metastatic disease. In particular, 14 out of 36 patients received six cycles docetaxel (75 mg/m2) every 3 weeks (TXT75), 8 patients received docetaxel (25 mg/m2) on a weekly basis (TXT25), 5 patients received a combination of docetaxel (75 mg/m2) on day 1 plus capecitabine (1000 mg/m2 bid day 1-14) every 3 weeks (TXT75+C) and the remaining 9 patients with HER2-positive disease received a combination of docetaxel (75 mg/m2) and trastuzumab (8 mg/kg loading dose then 6 mg/kg) both on day 1 every 3 weeks (TXT75+T) (Table 1).