” Most, methods of classification divide FCD according to both th

” Most, methods of classification divide FCD according to both the degree of dysplasia (architectural or cytoarchitecturai dysplasia) and the presence or absence of abnormal cells, primarily balloon cells or large dysmorphic neurons.19-21 FCD shows a spectrum of severity in terms of its gross morphology, topography, and microscopic features. At the mildest end of the spectrum is

“microdysgenesis,” which is poorly defined and selleck inhibitor refers to subtle developmental cortical abnormalities including neuronal heterotopia, undulations of cortical layering, or neuronal clusters amongst, cell-sparse Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical areas.22 Microdysgenesis has been found at autopsy more commonly in those with epilepsy compared with controls without epilepsy or other neurological disorders,23

as well as in surgical specimens from patients with medically intractable epilepsy.22,24 Despite this, it is still unclear what, degree of “microdysgenesis” may fall within the normal spectrum.25 It has been suggested that the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical term FCD only be applied to lesions with architectural abnormalities such as dyslamination or the presence of abnormal cells within the cortex.26 The extent of FCD may be highly variable, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical ranging from focal areas involving part of a gyrus, to involvement of one or more gyri to transmantle dysplasia, lobar dysplasia, hemispheric dysplasia, or multifocal bilateral dysplasia. Apart from TSC, no particular dysmorphic, neurocutaneous, or multiple Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical congenital anomaly syndromes have been described in which FCD is a feature. Hie most common clinical sequelae of FCD are seizures, developmental delay or intellectual disability, and focal neurological deficits.27-29 Seizures from FCD may arise at any age from in utero seizures30 until adulthood; however, patients usually present in childhood.27 Extratemporal FCD is usually associated with an earlier age of seizure

onset than temporal FCD.27,31,32 Seizures may be simple partial, complex partial, or secondarily generalized, depending on the location of the FCD and the age of the patient. The seizure disorder may be intractable and life -threatening,33 all Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and surgical resection of the area of FCD may be required to control seizures, as they are often resistant to anticonvulsant medications. FCD has been shown to be intrinsically epileptogenic, both in vivo using corticography during epilepsy surgery34 and in vitro using cortex resected from patients with intractable epilepsy.35,36 FCD is rarely visible on CT, and may not be visible even with high-quality MRI. Subtle abnormalities in gyration, cortical thickness, and the gray-white junction may be a clue to underlying FCD.37 Some forms of FCD may show increased signal on FLAIR and T2 -weighted images which has been thought to represent the presence of balloon cells.20,38,39 White matter signal may be abnormal in the region of a FCD producing intractable seizures.

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