Lastly, the loss of STAT3 was not

Lastly, the loss of STAT3 was not due to global loss of proteins secondary to cell death as there were no differences in the levels of pERK12 and total ERK 12 in OSA cell lines treated with drug for 24 hrs. STAT3 downregulation after FLLL32 treatment occurred through the ubiquitinproteasome pathway STAT family proteins are known to be regulated by ubi quitin mediated degradation. To determine if this mechanism was responsible for the loss of total STAT3 following FLLL32 treatment, the OSA8 cell line was treated with curcumin or FLLL32 for 24 hours and Western blotting for ubiquitin was performed on lysates. An intense band emerged at 75 kDa in FLLL32 treated cells corresponding to the size of STAT3. We next immunoprecipitated STAT3 and performed almost a four fold increase in poly ubiquitinylated STAT3 in cells treated with FLLL32 as compared to those treated with curcumin.

Immunoblot ting for b actin was performed to confirm the specificity of the immunoprecipitation experiment. none was detected. Although it has been reported that curcumin has proteasome inhibition prop erties, treatment with curcumin or FLLL32 did not lead to alteration in the activity Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries of the 20S proteasome when compared with Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries MG132 at the same concentration. Inhibition of caspase activation did not affect loss of STAT3 following FLLL32 treatment Western blotting for ubiquitin. A band was present at 75 kDa in addition to a smear directly above the band in the group treated with 10 uM FLLL32 for 4 hours. This was interpreted to be mono ubiquiti nylated STAT3 at 75 kDa and poly ubiquitinylated STAT3 protein at the large molecular weight sizes.

Indeed, after treating OSA8 cells with curcumin, FLLL32, or the proteasome inhibitor MG132, there was Activated caspases 2, 4, 5, and 10 are known to be cap able of cleaving STAT3. To investigate whether loss of STAT3 after treatment with FLLL32 was due to clea vage by activated caspases, we pretreated the OSA8 Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries and SJSA cell lines with a pan caspase inhibitor Z VAD FMK for 2 or 24 hours and then added FLLL32 or DMSO to the cells for an additional 18 hours. Western blotting of cell lysates demonstrated that inhibition of caspase activ ity by Z VAD FMK abrogated PARP cleavage but Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries it did not significantly alter the amount of total STAT3 remain ing after FLLL32 treatment compared with cells treated with FLLL32 and no Z VAD FMK.

Further more, Z VAD FMK pretreatment abrogated caspase 37 activation but this had no effect on the loss of STAT3 following FLLL32 treatment. These data indi cate that loss of STAT3 protein after FLLL32 exposure was not due to caspase mediated cleavage. Discussion selleck catalog Curcumin has a long history of use as a medicinal com pound and is known to have multiple anti inflammatory and anti cancer properties. however, blood levels that can be achieved after oral administration are low, which limits its potential clinical value.

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