Index test: TcB measurement by Bilicheck machine; Reference standard: TSB measurement by specterphotometry Discussion Neonatal jaundice, due to its potential for producing permanent encephalopathy, persists as a challenge for physicians. Painless evaluation of neonatal jaundice is highly desirable. The present study assessed a new transcutaneous
bilirubinometer, the Bilicheck® in Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Iranian neonates with jaundice. Our results demonstrated a statistically significant correlation between the Bilicheck® readings and TSB levels. The correlation coefficient in this study (r=0.969) was comparable to those obtained by Rubaltelli et al. (r=0.89),2 Ebbsen et al. (r=0.88),3 Roberston et al. (r=0.937),9 and Janjindamai et al. (r=0.950).10 The mean difference between Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the two measurements in our study was small (0.35%); the Bilicheck® readings can, therefore, be employed as an alternative to TSB measurements in the range within which the Bilicheck® showed a numeric value. We had only a small group of neonates (1.1%), for whom the Bilicheck® displayed the message of “very high values”, and we excluded their TSB in the statistical analysis owing to the absence of a numerical value for TcB. In the Boo et al. study,7 the Bilicheck® machine was not able to provide a reading in10.5% of the neonates. The factors that interfere with the accuracy of transcutaneous bilirubin measurements are believed
to be race, gestational age, and body Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical weight.2 The Bilicheck® has the theoretical advantage of isolating the light absorption of bilirubin from other factors such as hemoglobin, melanin, and dermal thickness.2 Our results confirmed that the TcB derived Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical from the Bilicheck® is not affected by birth weight, gestational age, and postnatal age. These findings are similar to the observations of Ebbesen et al.3 and Hosseini et al.8 Ebbesen
et al.3 reported that female infants admitted in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) had TcB levels on the forehead greater than their male counterparts (P=0.003), whereas our TcB readings were Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical not affected by sex. The most important feature of a screening tool for neonatal jaundice is its capability to detect significant Vasopressin Receptor hyperbilirubinemia with 100% sensitivity. Missing a case of severe hyperbilirubinemia with resultant kernicterus is totally unacceptable. The device must also have a desirable level of specificity because over-diagnosis leads to unnecessary admissions and work up. For minimizing the problem of under- and over-diagnosis, we assessed the inhibitors purchase sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV of TcB at different TcB cut-off values by the ROC curve. The maximum sensitivity, specificity, and especially NPV were at the TSB cut-off value of 15 mg/dl. In the bilirubin levels ≤15 mg/dl, TcB-TSB was 0.45±0.03 mg/d, which good and acceptable; however, in the bilirubin levels >15 mg/dl, TcB-TSB was -1.18 0.66 mg/dl. It indicates a tendency to underestimate TSB levels in infants with higher bilirubin levels.