Indeed on the protein level, combin ation of TKI with either of the tested dual PI3KAKT PF-01367338 in hibitors efficiently and globally shut down AKT signaling pathways as well as additional targets triggered by mutant TKs. In an attempt to mathematically define the extend of combination efficacy, we established isobologram assays to compute combination indices. Together, calculated CIs for TKI plus dual PI3KMTOR inhibitor treatment were close to or smaller than 1, indicating an additive to superadditive effect for all tested endpoints. Notably, combination of TKI with NVP BEZ235 was capable to override Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries cell cycle arrest seen for NVP BEZ235 monotherapy to potently induce apoptosis in leukemia cells. One Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries might speculate that cell type specific off target effects may have prevented cells to undergo apoptosis.
To confirm our findings, we established an isogenic BaF3 cell line model transfected with FLT3 ITD or BCR ABL1 mutations. NVP BGT226 revealed high potency to inhibit cellular proliferation in the same range as NVP BEZ235. As expected, while meaningful proapoptotic effects were achieved by NVP BGT226 in all cell strains, FLT3 ITD and BCR ABL1 transfected BaF3 cells Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries were only moderately sensitive towards NVP BEZ235. We additionally created several more BaF3 cell lines transfected with tyrosine kinases harboring known leukemia driving gain of function mutations and tested for NVP BGT226 and NVP BEZ235 sensitivities. While NVP BGT226 again displayed Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries a beneficial pro apoptotic profile for all tested transfectants, NVP BEZ235 surpri singly retained meaningful proapoptotic activitiy in some cell strains.
Two sensitive transfectants were immunoblotted and showed higher elevated threonine 308 phospho rylation levels compared to FLT3 ITD or BCR ABL1 transfected cells. This observation may have far reaching consequences It Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries is tempting to speculate that activation of the PI3K AKT pathway is at least concerning in part dependent on the specific type of TK gain of function mutation and that different gain of function mutations may display a very distinct pattern of activated PI3KAKT signaling cas cades. This again might influence the susceptibility of cells towards PI3KAKT targeted inhibitors. In this context, it is well described for TKI therapy of CML and GIST and has recently been shown for TKI therapy in acute leukemia as well, that resistance towards TK inhib itors is often caused by secondary mutations within the tyrosine kinase domain of the respective tyrosine kinase. Such muta tions may activate AKT signaling, as previously demon strated for imatinib resistant GIST tumors, and sensitize cells towards targeted therapies.