Hence the vertex set V is a subset of Rn (vertex space or input BX-795 manufacturer space for ontology). Assume that V is compact. In the supervised learning, let Y = R be the label set for V. Denote ρ as a probability measure on Z = V × Y. Let ρV and ρ(·∣v) be the marginal distribution on V and conditional distribution
at v ∈ V, respectively. The ontology function fρ : V → R associated with ρ is described as fρ = ∫Yydρ(y∣v). For each vertex v ∈ V, denote v = (v1, v2,…, vn)T ∈ Rn. Then, the gradient of the ontology function fρ is the vector of ontology functions ∇fρ=∂fρfρv1,∂fρfρv2,…,∂fρfρvmT. (2) Let z = (vi, yi)i=1m be a random sample independently drawn according to ρ in standard ontology setting. The purpose of standard ontology gradient learning is to learn ∇fρ from the sample set z. From the perspective of statistical learning theory, the gradient learning algorithm is based on the Taylor expansion fρ(v) ≈ fρ(v′)+∇fρ(v′)(v − v′) if two vertices have large common information (i.e., v ≈ v′). We expect that yi ≈ fρ(v) and yj ≈ fρ(u) if v′ = vi′, v = vj. The demand vi ≈ vj is met by virtue of setting
weights wv=wsv=1sn+2e−v2/2v2,wi,j=wi,js=1sn+2e−vi−vj2/2v2=w(vi−vj). (3) Using unknown ontology function vector f→=(f1,f2,…,fn)T to replace ∇fρ, then the standard least-square ontology learning algorithm is denoted as f→z,λ=argminf→∈HKn1m2∑i,j=1nwi,jsyi−yj+f→vivj−vi2 +λf→HKn2, (4) where λ and s are two positive constants to control the smoothness of ontology function. Here K : V × V → R is a positive semidefinite, continuous, and symmetric kernel (i.e., Mercer kernel) and
HK is the reproducing kernel Hilbert space (for short, RKHS) associated with the Mercer kernel K. The notation HKn presented in (4) is the n-fold hypothesis space of HK composing of vectors of ontology functions f→=(f1,f2,…,fn)T with norm f→HKn2=∑l=1nflK21/2. By the representation theory in statistical learning theory, the ontology algorithm (4) can be implemented in terms of solving a linear Cilengitide system for the coefficients ci, zi=1m of f→z,λ=∑i=1mci,zKvi, where Kv(v′) = K(v, v′) for v ∈ V is the ontology function in HK and ci,z ∈ Rn. Let d be the rank of the matrix [vi − vm]i=1m−1; hence the coefficient matrix for the linear system has size md. Therefore, this size will become huge if the size of sample set m is large itself. The standard approximation ontology algorithm allows us to solve linear systems with coefficient matrices of smaller sizes. The gradient learning model for ontology algorithm in standard setting is determined as follows: f→t+1z=f→tz−ηtm2∑i,j=1mwi,jsyi−yj+f→tzvi·vj−viKvi−ηtλtf→tz, (5) where the sample set z ∈ Zm, f→1z=0, t ∈ Z, ηt is the sequence of step sizes and λt is the sequence of balance parameters.