g., What agents facilitate the implementation of emissions trading? (4) What are the inputs of the countermeasure? e.g., What is the input of biofuel production? (5) What kinds of things and/or
subjects are related to the problem/countermeasure? e.g., selleck inhibitor What kinds of things and subjects are related to eco industrial parks? (6) Who are the stakeholders of the problem? e.g., Who are the stakeholders of Transportation Demand Management? (7)-1 (inquiries for which a problem is a point of origin) What kinds of countermeasures or alternatives are KU-57788 concentration available for solving the problem? e.g., What kinds of countermeasures or alternatives are available for solving soil deterioration? (7)-2 (inquiries for which a countermeasure is a point of origin) What other problems could the countermeasure contribute to solving? e.g., What other problems could the use of biomass contribute to solving? (8) What problems must be solved before implementing the countermeasure? e.g., What problems will using biomass cause? (i) Exploration using Problem as a focal point
Regarding inquiries (3) and (5), we found several points for improving the SS ontology and the mapping tool. Inquiry (3) concerns a structural improvement of the ontology. For example, the map AZD9291 in vitro generated by the command ‘Problem (2 level depth) -target|impact|external_cause-> * <-*- Process’4 shows both processes that cause a problem and processes that are influenced by the problem. Distinguishing between these processes requires interpretation, which means that not everyone will necessarily distinguish them in the same way. In addition, Water as a target is connected on the map to both Hydroelectric power generation as a Process and Water pollution as a Problem. Hydroelectric power generation is only a process utilizing water, and it is neither CYTH4 a target affected by water pollution nor a factor causing water pollution. At least from these causal chains, it is not clear whether solving water pollution requires deliberation about what hydroelectric power generation
should be. The reason for this is that the context of the causal chain changes when it reaches Water. We need to improve the expression of causal chains where such a switch occurs in order to represent it sufficiently. Inquiry (5) concerns a functional improvement of the mapping tool. For example, the map generated by the command ‘Problem (2 level depth) -target|impact|external_cause-> * <-*- Object’5 shows that the problem of Soil pollution affects Soil, which is a basic element of Ecosystem, Forest, Tropical rain forest, Rice field, Field, and Farmland. In this way, the map can clearly show elements related to Problem. But Tropical rain forest is a sub concept of Forest, and Rice field and Field are sub concepts of Farmland on the ontology.