During the phase 2 barrier assessment process, both focus groups and one-on-one interviews were conducted by the INSTINCT trial team at each of the 12 intervention hospitals. Table 1 COREQ Checklist Participants Characteristics of participants There were 30 participants in the six
initial focus groups (phase 1): 10 EPs, 15 nurses, 3 neurologists, 1 hospitalist, and 1 pharmacist. Focus group composition during phase 1 was mixed by site and occupation and the groups ran concurrently. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical In phase 2, two focus groups were conducted at each of the 12 intervention sites, one of EPs and one of primarily emergency department nursing staff. A total of 55 EPs and 48 nurses participated in phase 2 focus groups. Additionally, one-on-one
structured interviews were conducted with a neurologist, an administrator, and a radiologist at each intervention site. Focus group participants were recruited by the local principal investigator from each site. Participants with disparate Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical opinions and past experience were sought to enhance the diversity of responses. The demographics of these participants were not collected to protect anonymity. Data Acquisition The focus group discussion guide was developed with a professional focus group consultant. It is included in Additional file 1 (appendix_focus_group_script.doc). Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical All focus groups and interviews were digitally recorded and transcribed verbatim. Thematic Analysis A pre-specified taxonomy was employed Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to characterize major Birinapant in vitro barriers to clinical guideline adherence[9]. Barriers were broadly characterized as internal or external. External barriers were defined to describe issues inhibiting guideline adherence outside the direct control of physicians. Internal barriers were defined as those barriers that are directly related to individual
physician knowledge and attitudes. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Two investigators (JJM, WJM) independently coded the transcripts into themes using NVIVO 7 software (QSR International). The coding guide is presented in Table Table2,2, with the comprehensive coding guide used by the investigators provided in Additional File 2 (Appendix_coding_guide_v1.3.doc). most The pre-specified major themes were utilized to optimize the process by which the major barriers were categorized and ranked to prioritize the CME educational interventions at each site. Specific textual content that provided insights into the types of barriers at each site was used in the design of the CME lectures. As an example, if a participant identified that radiologists were not routinely notified that a head CT involved a tPA-eligible patient, the CME lecture at that site could contain specific advice on optimizing communication between clinicians and radiologists. Table 2 Coding Guide and Barrier Definitions Responses from participants were coded into nine major themes.