(C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd “
“To investigate whether

(C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.”
“To investigate whether attentional capture by salient visual stimuli is mediated by current task sets, we measured the N2pc component as a marker of the spatial locus of visual attention during visual search. In each trial, a singleton

stimulus that could either be a target (color GSK690693 task: red circle; shape task: green diamond) or a nontarget (blue circle or green square) was presented among uniform distractors (green circles). As predicted by the view that attentional capture is contingent on task set, the N2pc was strongly affected by task instructions. It was maximal for targets, attenuated but still reliably present for nontarget singletons defined in the target dimension (even when these were accompanied by an irrelevant-dimension singleton), and small or absent for equally salient irrelevant-dimension singletons. Results demonstrate that attentional capture is not 5-Fluoracil research buy a purely bottom-up phenomenon, but is strongly determined by top-down task set.”
“Stressful events activate the

amygdala and a network of associated brain regions. Studies in both humans and rodents indicate that noradrenaline has a prominent role in this activation. Noradrenaline induces a hypervigilant state that helps to remember the event. This mnemonic effect is enhanced when the situation is so stressful that substantial amounts of corticosteroids are released and reach the amygdala. The combination of the two hormones leads to optimal strengthening of contacts and thus memory. Yet, rises in corticosteroid levels that are not precisely synchronized with noradrenaline release do not act synergistically but rather prevent or suppress the effect of noradrenaline. This dynamic interaction illustrates the adaptive and potentially protective capacity of corticosteroids regarding traumatic memories.”
“Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) infection of differentiated cells within the host and establishment of latency likely

requires evasion of innate immunity and limits secretion of antiviral cytokines. Here we report that its immediate-early protein ORF61 antagonizes the beta interferon (IFN-beta) pathway. VZV infection down-modulated the Sendai virus (SeV)-activated IFN-beta pathway, including mRNA of IFN-beta Rho and its downstream interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs), ISG54 and ISG56. Through a primary screening of VZV genes, we found that ORF61 inhibited SeV-mediated activation of IFN-beta and ISRE (IFN-stimulated response element) promoter activities but only slightly affected NF-kappa B promoter activity, implying that the IFN-beta pathway may be blocked in the IRF3 branch. An indirect immunofluorescence assay demonstrated that ectopic expression of ORF61 abrogated the detection of IRF3 in SeV-infected cells; however, it did not affect endogenous dormant IRF3 in noninfected cells.

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