(B) Hla expression measured by quantitative Western MM-102 clinical trial blot. There was a small but statistically significant increase in Hla production by JKD6159_AraCr (p = 0.0473). TPS3105r expressed more Hla than TPS3105 (p = 0.0019) Data shown are mean intensity of bands in arbitrary units and SEM. Note, *p < 0.05, compared to JKD6159. Note also, ###p < 0.001 and ##p < 0.01, compared to TPS3105. The AraC/XylS regulator (AryK) enhanced Hla expression and virulence in ST93 CA-MRSA The
SNP at position 92551 in SAA6159_00084 introduced a premature stop codon and created a pseudogene within SAA6159_00084 in JDK6159, however the gene was intact in TPS3106. The intact version of this gene, which was also intact in 19 other publically available
S. aureus genome sequences we examined, encodes a previously uncharacterized AraC/XylS family regulatory protein. While the virulence attenuation in TPS3106 was likely a direct result of the agr deficiency, we also wanted to determine if the novel regulator mutation in SAA6159_00084 impacted the virulence in ST93 S. aureus. To test the hypothesis that SAA6159_00084 encoded a regulator of virulence, we repaired the premature stop codon in SAA6159_00084 in JKD6159 using allelic exchange to generate strain JKD6159_AraCr. To confirm we had not introduced additional DNA changes during allelic exchange we sequenced the whole genome of JKD6159_AraCr and found no additional mutations (35× coverage). JKD6159_AraCr encoding an intact copy of SAA6159_00084 demonstrated a modest, but significant increase in virulence as indicated Adavosertib by lesion size (p < 0.0001) and weight loss in the mouse skin infection assay (p = 0.0311, Figure 5), suggesting that this protein is a positive ALOX15 regulator of virulence in CA-MRSA strains. JKD6159_AraCr expressed more PSMα3 (p = 0.0325) and Hla (p = 0.0473) than its parental strain JKD6159 that was consistent with an increase mouse skin lesion size (Figure 6). We propose the name aryK for SAA6159_00084 (AraC family-like gene). RNAseq demonstrates global regulatory IWR-1 mouse impact of AryK To
investigate the regulatory impact of AryK, RNAseq was performed using RNA extracted from stationary phase cultures (Figure 7). This growth phase was selected as we reasoned that AryK might be interacting with agr and thus any impacts on Hla expression would be greatest at this time. A small number of virulence-associated loci were down regulated in the aryK mutant (JKD6159), including beta-type phenol soluble modulins (SAA6159_01024 and SAA6159_01025), and the virulence regulator saeS. However, the most dramatic and significant transcriptional changes were found in genes involved in central metabolic functions. Using the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway analysis ( http://www.genome.