As shown in Figure 4A, the mitogenic ability of the sPLA2 IIA was significant reduced, or even abolished, in the presence of the mentioned inhibitors. Subsequently, we examined the effect of these inhibitors on the phosphor ylation of ERK, P70S6K and rS6 proteins. As shown in Figure 4B. a,b,c, pre treatment of cells with these inhibi tors completely blocked the sPLA2 IIA effect on the phosphorylation of the studied proteins. In addition, by flow cytometry analysis, we also found that the presence of GM6001 and TAPI 1 successfully reduced the EGFR phosphorylation triggered by sPLA2 IIA. Interestingly, pre treatment with the selective inhibitors PD98059 and rapamycin, did not affect EGFR phosphorylation induced by sPLA2 IIA, whereas it was fully prevented by the presence of Src kinase inhibitor, PP2, suggesting that EGFR phosphorylation can occur by multiple mechan isms.
We also used the highly selective inhibitor of MEK1 2, U0126, and we found that while ERK phos phorylation induced by sPLA2 IIA was completely abol ished by the presence of 5 and 10 uM of U0126, Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries phosphorylation of EGFR both at Tyr1173 and at 845 was not affected. These results Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries also imply that ERK and mTOR pathways are downstream targets of EGFR signaling. sPLA2 IIA induces a proliferative response in microglial cells via an epidermal growth factor receptor ligand dependent mechanism Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries Among the various EGFR ligands that could be pro cessed by proteolysis, Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries we focused on HB EGF, because it is both a leading molecule linked to ligand shedding and EGFR transactivation, and pro HB EGF is a target of ADAMs enzymes.
To determine whether HB EGF con tributes Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries to sPLA2 IIA induced cell growth and signaling in BV 2 cells, we first examined its cell surface expression by flow cytometry analysis using an ectodomain specific antibody. either As shown in Figure 5A, BV 2 microglial cells constitutively express pro HB EGF and their stimulation with 1 ug ml of sPLA2 IIA results in a rapid 5 minute re duction of its levels in the cell surface. This reduction in cell surface content of endogenous pro HB EGF, while completely unaffected by the presence of AG1478, was fully prevented by pre treating the cells with the non selective metalloproteinase inhibitor GM6001 or the ADAMs inhibitor TAPI 1, pointing to an ADAMs mediated mechanism by which sPLA2 IIA treatment might cause the shedding of pro HB EGF on BV 2 cells. In addition, inhibition of the ERK and mTOR pathways with PD98059 or rapamicyn, respectively, did not alter the pro HB EGF cell surface expression levels of sPLA2 IIA stimulated cells. In contrast, the presence of the Src kinase inhibitior PP2 completely blocked sPLA2 IIA induced HB EGF release.