00 bayesian PP support. Macrolepiota detersa, a novel species described in the present paper, clustered with 3 collections of M. sp. from Japan and 100 % bootstrap support and 1.00 bayesian PP support. Taxonomy Macrolepiota detersa Z. W. Ge, Zhu. L. Yang & Vellinga sp. nov. Fig. 2 Fig. 2
Macrolepiota detersa (HKAS 55306) a. Basidiomata; b. Squamules on pileus; c. Basidiospores; d. Basidia; e. Cheilocystidia MycoBank: MB 518349 Pileus 8–12 cm diametro, primo ovoideus vel hemisphaericus, dein convexus vel plano-convexus, albus vel albidus, squamulis crustatis, griseolis-aurantiacis vel pallide brunneis. Lamellae https://www.selleckchem.com/products/MLN-2238.html liberae, albae, confertae. Stipes 13.0–15.0 × 1.8–2.4 cm, subcylindricus, minutus sursum, albidus, basim incrassatus. Annulus superus, albidus, membranaceus. Caro alba; sapor mitis. Basidia 30–38 × 11–15 μm, clavata, GANT61 clinical trial hyalina, 4-sporigera, raro 2-sporigera.
Basidiosporae 14.0–16.0 (18.0) × (9.0) 9.5–10.5 (11.0) μm, ellipsoideae, glabrae, hyalinae, dextrinoideae. Pleurocystidia absentia. Cheilocystidia clavata, lato-clavata vel pyriformia, raro subfusiformia, hyalina, 18–38 × 7–15 μm. Squamulae pilei trichoderma, apicalis hyphis erectibus, luteis vel luteo-brunneis, subcylindricis compositae. Fibulae praesentes. Habitatio: terrestris. Holotypus: C. L. Hou 603 (HKAS 55306), 2 Oct. 2007, Jingde County, Anhui Province, China. Etymology: “detersa” refers to the easily detachable squamules on the pileus. Basidiomata (Fig. 2a) medium-sized to large. Pileus 8–12 cm in diam., ovoid to hemispherical when young, becoming convex to plano-convex with age, white to whitish,
mTOR inhibitor covered with scattered, greyish orange (5B5-5B6, oac688 or oac729) to light brown (6C7-6D7, oac777) patch- or crust-like squamules which are easily detachable from the pileus; disc smooth, light brown (6C7-6D7, oac777). Lamellae free, moderately crowded, white when young, white to cream colored when mature, up to 1 cm in height, thin, with lamellulae, sometimes with brown spots on the lamellae. Stipe whitish, subcylindrical, 13.0–15.0 × 1.8–2.4 cm, attenuating upwards, with tiny brownish to brown (oac721) squamules, hollow. Annulus ascending, whitish, membranous, complex, big, with brownish patchy squamules on the underside; movable when mature. Context white to whitish, spongy, unchanging when cut, odorless. Taste mild or indistinct. Basidiospores (Fig. 2c) [48/2/1] 14.0–16.0 (18.0) × (9.0) 9.5–10.5 Telomerase (11.0) μm, Q = (1.40) 1.43–1.67 (1.71), avQ = 1.53 ± 0.07, ellipsoid to ovoid in side view, ellipsoid in front view, thick-walled, smooth, hyaline, dextrinoid, congophilous, metachromatic in cresyl blue, with a germ pore caused by an interruption in the episporium on the rounded apex, covered with a hyalinous cap in KOH; apiculus about 1 μm long. Basidia (Fig. 2d) 30–38 × 11–15 μm, clavate, thin-walled, hyaline, 4-spored, rarely 2-spored. Cheilocystidia (Fig. 2e) 18–38 × 7–15 μm, clavate to broadly clavate to pyriform, rarely subfusiform, colorless and hyaline, thin-walled.