�� One of the most common errors made by the

�� One of the most common errors made by the PD 0332991 researchers who do not consult a statistician is that, when conducting a study similar to a previous published study, they tend to use the same methods of statistical analysis and the same tests that were used in the previous study.[15] This reveals an indifference on the part of the researchers towards statistics and also research as a whole. From the above observations it is evident that the majority of the teaching faculty and postgraduate students do not apply biostatistical concepts in a scientific manner while conducting research. Although they are aware that the proper use of biostatistical methods is important for scientific research, they lack the required knowledge.

Most of the respondents in the present study wished to upgrade their knowledge of biostatistics and suggested refresher training programs, workshops, Continued Medical Education, and self-learning as the means of achieving this. Many respondents were reluctant to fill up the proforma and preferred to leave it blank. Improvements in teaching statistics to medical students should improve their understanding of statistical concepts and reduce the incidence of misconceptions among clinicians and medical researchers.[17] The poor knowledge of biostatistics and the consequent difficulty faced when interpreting study results among study subjects in the present study reflects insufficient training. Nearly one-third of the study subjects indicated that they never received biostatistics teaching at any point in their career and suggested the need for more effective training in biostatistics in undergraduate or postgraduate education.

Zuger had also reported similar findings.[18] To conclude, it is essential for medical professionals to upgrade biostatistical knowledge frequently to improve research quality. Footnotes Source of Support: Nil. Conflict of Interest: None declared.
Allergy or hypersensitivity is a state whereby tissues react by an abnormal and injurious response to foreign substances.[1] Conjunctiva is a frequent site of such reactions, and their manifestations are often dramatic in their intensity.[2] Seasonal Allergic Conjunctivitis (SAC) is the most common and most prevalent of allergic disorders which afflict the ocular surface.[3,4] Susceptible individuals typically have a family or personal history of environmental allergies, asthma, bronchitis, food allergies or eczema.

[4] Such atopic persons when exposed to airborne allergens, sometimes show debilitating ocular symptoms such as itching, Anacetrapib tearing, photophobia or discharge. Chemosis, conjunctival injection and swelling of eyelids commonly occur in association with these symptoms. These signs and symptoms are a result of the actions of chemical mediators released in a cascade of response following exposure to an offending allergen. SAC is classical type I anaphylactic hypersensitivity reaction.

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