Note that chemical shifts are also sensitive to conformational ch

Note that chemical shifts are also sensitive to conformational changes and, as such, the observed changes do not exclusively report on the binding site, but SB203580 clinical trial might indicate for example allosteric changes.

Similar methods can also be applied in ssNMR [19] and [20], making CSP-based interaction mapping an universally applicable tool. In context of protein–protein interactions in solution, 2D TROSY spectra are excellent for this purpose up to 50–100 kDa as they offer both high sensitivity and resolution. For larger systems, CRINEPT-TROSY can enable backbone-based CSP study of complex formation, as was demonstrated on the 900 kDa GroEL–GroES complex [21]. Signal overlap and the presence of unsuppressed multiplet components may complicate spectral analysis in such large systems. MeTROSY-based studies offer an excellent alternative as they follow shift changes of a reduced set of resonances. The standard deviations (σ) of chemical shifts deposited in the Biological Magnetic Resonance Databank BMRB [22] (σ ∼ 0.30/1.6 ppm 1HMe/13C; ∼0.64/3.8 ppm 1HN/15N) suggest that in MeTROSY spectra smaller chemical shift changes will be observed compared to backbone TROSY spectra. In case of large protein–protein complexes, it is also important to minimize transverse relaxation in the bound state

to prevent gradual bleaching of the spectrum upon titration of the ligand. In such case, it is learn more advantageous to use a perdeuterated binding partner to avoid spurious relaxation of the TROSY coherence due to spin-flips caused by the external spins of the ligand [23]. As CSPs are usually monitored via 2D spectra, the CSP for both 1H (ΔδH) and the heteronucleus (ΔδX) are obtained simultaneously and usually combined into a single score. It can be expressed as the geometric peak displacement in Hz or as a weighted average CSP expressed in ppm: Idoxuridine CSP=12ΔδHα2+ΔδXβ2 The weighting factors α and β are usually taken to be 1 and 0.2 in case of backbone amides to account for the difference

in spectral widths available for 15N (∼25 ppm) and 1H (∼5 ppm). An objective alternative is to weigh Δδ with the standard deviation of that particular resonance as taken from the BMRB database, thereby calculating a CSP “Z-score”. For backbone amides, this will correspond to a setting of 1 and 0.17. Having a final list of CSP values, a threshold needs to be determined to identify the interface residues. As the observed CSPs typically form a continuous profile, no objective a priori threshold can be set. A common method is to set the threshold at 1 or 2 standard deviations σ above the mean CSP calculated on a 10% trimmed set in which the 10% largest values are excluded.

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