For example, while associations between WMH burden and AD have be

For example, while associations between WMH burden and AD have been observed, the questions of whether the progression or accumulation of WMH leads to AD needs to be addressed. Similarly, as acquisition and analytic techniques continue to evolve, investigators need to follow suit and become more precise in the questions being asked and the nature Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of the neuroimaging signal under study. WMH are important radiological correlates of cognitive aging, but most likely represent heterogeneous pathology that requires further elucidation through advanced imaging techniques and combined methodological approaches. Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by NIH grants AG029949, AG024708, AG007232, and Alzheimer’s

Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Association grant 05-14586 awarded to AMB and a Clinical and Translational Science Award Imaging Pilot Grant (NIH through Columbia University). Selected Proteasome inhibition assay abbreviations and acronyms AD Alzheimer’s disease CAA cerebral amyloid angiopathy FLAIR fluid attenuated inverse recovery MCI mild cognitive impairment MRI magnetic resonance imaging WMH white

matter hyperintensities
Most individuals who experience Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical life -threatening traumas show some symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) immediately1 Only approximately 30% have vulnerabilities to this disorder, and/or suffer the most chronic and terrifying events that maintain these symptoms as an enduring syndrome a month after the threats are gone.2 This is true for nearly all ages. Since the revision of PTSD in the Diagnostic: and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Edition-Revised (DSM-III-R) in 1987 ,3 the diagnostic criteria have included Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical special developmental considerations for children and adolescents. This special language was revised with the subsequent version of the DSM. Initially, skeptics doubted whether children could develop PTSD,4 but this is no longer debatable. More current concerns include whether the

PTSD criteria Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical adequately describe the psychopathology of children and adults who have experienced severe trauma.5 This paper will review the following important issues for assessing children who have experienced traumatic events: (i) the specificity of the PTSD diagnosis; (ii) recognizing children Ketanserin who are symptomatic and functionally impaired but do not have enough symptoms for the diagnosis; (iii) developmental considerations that impact on accurate diagnosis of PTSD; and (iv) a variety of assessment challenges that reflect the difficulty and complexity of interviewing children and caregivers about these symptoms. Despitc these diagnostic challenges, many crucial benefits derive from attempting to accurately assess PTSD symptoms in children. This paper addresses the above challenges, and also explores reasons why despite these, clinicians should persist in exploring the possible presence ot PTSD symptoms lu children who have experienced traumatic life events.

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